Travis Wetlands/Ōruapaeroa, March 2023

Travis Wetland/Ōruapaeroa is a large wetland in the North East of Christchurch. Pre European settlement it was in it’s natural wetland state. Settlers drained the swamps for cattle grazing and farming. In the 1970’s Travis Country Estates earmarked it for housing development. A battle ensued with the council and conservationists to save it as a wetland - they won thankfully. Now is restored wetland and hugely important for the local wildlife, flora and ecology. It’s current state is typical of pre European settlement, albeit a very human modified landscape. I wanted to exploring some of the natural shapes and patterns found here and to look at the shape of the land. Natural fractal patterns found in the pond weed, cobweb and hebe’s.


Felled 2023


Lake Grassmere, 2023